Sunday, July 22, 2012

on setting goals

I've never been much for running. Even when I was a tiny skinny thing I always hated it. Really, I hated exercise of any sort. Looking back, I think that I was probably super anxious about the idea of running and being in a race, and it just ruined my whole day.

But of course, I am an adult now, and I recognize that exercise has benefits, like you know. Making us live longer. And stuff. And so I've been working out. And I have a new goal! I would like to be able to do The Color Run next year. There's one happening in December down here, but I don't think I am quite ready to commit to that. But one year from now, I hope to be ready for The Color Run 5K. It just looks like so much fun. It makes me WANT to be a runner. Plus, Lulu Lemon has the cutest running fashions ever, and I want to get on board with that.

In other news, here's a cute picture of Penny playing with her new friend, Winston.

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